
Didn’t get time to pick your favourite magazine before Security? Don’t worry! You can pick it up in the Boarding Zone before you head to your gate.

Relay Newsagents (in the Boarding Zone)

Boutique Relay en zone d'embarquement

A travel shop with a wide selection of fun, trendy and practical products, Relay helps passengers along every step of their journey.  

  • Bookshop: all the best-sellers and latest releases
  • Travel Supplies: travel accessories, chargers, headphones and luggage
  • Food: sweet and salty snacks, cold drinks
  • Helpful services: Mobile accessories, stationery, hygiene products, smoking accessories, a cosy corner
  • Children: toys, books, cuddly toys
  • Food : des snacks salés et sucrés, des boissons fraîches,
Boarding Zone, First Floor
Open everyday from 05:00 to the last flight